Food and Farm Council of Riley County and City of Manhattan
Ambassadors at the Downtown Farmers Market of Manhattan
Be an Ambassador!
Coming in May 2024! Ambassadors at the Downtown Farmers Market of Manhattan Program. Sign up to be a volunteer for a couple hours on a Saturday. A brief training will be provided to help you answer questions about food assistance programs such as Double Up Food Bucks, help customers find products they are looking for, carry purchases to their vehicles, and offer free Market food samples. Ambassadors will make coming to the Market a GREAT experience for all!

SNAP-eligible? Enjoy the Double Up Food Bucks Benefits!
Each week at the Downtown Farmers Market of Manhattan, SNAP Program participants can stretch their food dollars and double their produce purchases! The market is held in the mall parking lot at 3rd and Leavenworth year-round on Saturdays. Hours are 8am-1pm each Saturday year round!
Bring your EBT card to the information booth at the Market to purchase tokens to redeem for SNAP eligible produce. We’ll match every dollar you spend with FREE Double Up Food Bucks tokens – up to $25 weekly. Use tokens that day or later to buy locally grown fruits & vegetables.

Ambassadors are here to help.
How to spy an Ambassador? Find your Ambassadors at the Info booth located in the southwest corner of the Market OR walking the Market. You’ll find them wearing blue aprons and these friendly buttons! Thanks for the help, Ambassadors!

The SNAP recipients that participate in the Double Up Food Bucks program at the Market are lower than those eligible. To help answer questions, make it easier to shop, and offer produce education, the Ambassador Program is a fun way to support our neighbors.
"Doubling of my food dollars really helps me afford fresh fruits and vegetables. My kids enjoy shopping with me and it gets them more involved. They have become invested and want to help cook the produce we get!"